Monday, November 12, 2007

2nd Indiana Homebrewers Club Meeting - Preview

So tomorrow night is going to be the second meeting of the Indiana Homebrewers Club and I'm very excited. The last meeting was a great success - with 20 people showing up. Tomorrow, we're going to have (hopefully) that many and maybe a few more.

We'll start with a homebrew tasting: five or six of our members have agreed to bring a six pack of their product to share a taste with everyone. I'll be one of those sharing, and will take a sixer of my Commonplace Coffee Porter (which I need to make more of next week, hopefully). After the tasting, one of our members is going to give a presentation on the basics of extract brewing (with slides and everything!). Should be a good time, and I'll comment more later on the meeting.

Did anyone brew or teach a friend to brew back on 11/3? I couldn't, unfortunately.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Great to hear you're having a second meeting.

Didn't get to brew on "teach a friend to brew day", but, I'm gonna try to invite people anytime I brew. I think I have new people around one out of every four batches.